Are you interested in pursuing a new career in Canada? If so, you will need a Canadian work visa, which is a permit that allows you to legally work in Canada as a foreigner.

Thousands of skilled and unskilled foreign workers apply for visas every year, not only because they are looking for new prospects in one of the most multicultural and welcoming countries in the world but because of the job opportunities and the incredible work benefits that come with them. Canada’s national average salary for full-time workers is approximately $54,630 per year and with an unemployment rate of just 7.5 percent, the odds of landing a good job in Canada are extremely high compared to other countries.

And did we mention the benefits? Take a look at just some of the perks that await you once you decide to accept that dream job offer.

Do I Need a Canadian Work Visa?

Most people need a specific type of work permit and there are various types to choose from. If you aren’t sure if you need one, the information provided on the various types below will help you determine which work visa may be right for you.

Types of Work Visas

There are two major types of work permits in Canada:

Types of Work Permits

  • The Open Work Permit, under which programs such as the International Experience Canada (working tourist visa); andThe International Mobility Program operates; and
  • The Employer-Specific Work Permit under which numerous streams are processed depending on the applicants job offer.

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