A revisiting of the AIP vs the AIPP programs.

A revisiting of the AIP vs the AIPP programs.
An update on the latest bulletin from CIC regarding the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)
In addition to main stream immigration program, federal government initiates various pilot immigration program to meet urgent needs for Canadian economy. The pilot program have very short tenure.
An Intro to Canadian Immigration System.
We provides free assessment tools for almost each category of applicants. Guides section provides very useful information to applicants and successful candidates. Check out for latest version of tools and guides.
Update news for Canada Economic Class (CEC).
CRS requirement drops again, this time to 357. It is the second-lowest CRS for a CEC-only draw ever. Canada held another Express Entry draw today, on June 24, 2021. A total of 6,000 candidates were invited to apply for permanent residence through the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). The Comprehensive Ranking System score requirement (CRS) was …
A basic introduction to Express Entry System. It will help you to understand the most popular choice of Canadian immigration.
Canada Uses Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) as a screening process to evaluate Candidate
The most common avenue of immigration is Federal Skill Worker. This basic information blog will help you to understand about the program. However, this blog does not provide any legal advice. For details contact us at info@wigwamimmigration.ca